Vaxess MIMIX™

Vaxess is developing its proprietary MIMIX™ therapies based on technology originally developed by Tufts University and MIT.

The single-use preloaded applicator holds a shelf-stable patch that delivers medicines and vaccines through an array of silk tips. By pressing the button on the applicator the MIMIX™ Patch is applied to the skin. The embedded tips then resolve and release their treatment at its most effective dose for the most effective length of time. After a few minutes the patch can be removed and disposed.

More information at

3EO Health

Design that Matters | Newborn Warmer

Rivanna Accuro

Snell Acoustics Illusion

PhotoniCare OtoSight


OBP Medical

Cue Acoustics



Vaxess Mimix Platform

Vapotherm HVT 2.0